A Record of These Days
This web site is intended to archive and to make available the technical papers written with my colleagues and students, and to provide access to the thesis/dissertations of my students during the time that they were studying at the university. During the last decade or two, most of the major scientific and engineering organizations have made their published journal articles available on the internet through library subscriptions, purchase, or open source access; however, many of the earlier papers are still difficult to access. Most universities have set up web sites which make available the masters theses and doctoral dissertations of their graduate students, but many of the older ones are not easily available. Also included in this website are pictures which represent several of the instruments developed and scientific research projects carried out during my career.
One of the major highlights of my career has been the opportunity to work with many intelligent students and to see them launched into their careers. I know they are working to contribute to our understanding and advancing technologies around the world. This web site provides an opportunity to make available many of the papers, memorabilia, and special records that I have collected over the years. These records include pictures of places and events that are special to me during my careers. The effort to assemble this material and present it on a website provides an opportunity for my children, grandchildren, and future progeny to see and understand a little about life during these times. These years have been such enjoyable times, because of the colleagues who have worked together with me on many projects and contributed their intellect, energy, integrity, and commitment to our successes. I appreciate the many opportunities that were made available during these years by the colleagues, students, and the managers/administrators. It is my fervent wish for wonderful times for my progeny, and for the human population, that their opportunities are even more special, and provide satisfaction for the contributions to society that they can make for mankind’s future. We all have an opportunity to work for and benefit from the growth of a caring and nurturing society that is free from war, conflicts, and pestilence, while living on planet Earth, as we work to minimize the human impact on its resources of air, water, and our storehouse of precious materials.